Look what people are saying . . .

"I Kicked Sugar is the yellow brick road out of sugar addiction. Sugar Crush [the book] gives scientific credence to Joyce's method of giving up sugar. The course Joyce has created presents a very needed path to help people free themselves from sugar addiction." - Dr. Richard P. Jacoby
Dr. Richard P. Jacoby, DPM
Director Of Scottsdale Neuropathy Institute
I’m an Arizona State University (ASU) student who competes on the track and field team as a discus and javelin thrower. My sport is solely based on technique, so I’m basically striving for perfection every day. Unfortunately, perfection is nearly impossible and I’ve struggled daily trying to accept that…friends and family know me as someone who strives to lead a healthy life through activity and diet, they absolutely could not figure out why I’ve made this choice to kick sugar. Some say, “you’re crazy, you are healthy and have nothing to worry about,” …but no one ever knows the full story when it comes to someone’s mental health… Those “failures” take a mental toll on me. After a long day of negative self-talk after practice, I have religiously turned to sugar as a coping mechanism. I always tell myself, “you’ve had a long day, you deserve this.” But, what I’ve decided that I DON’T deserve is the negative self-talk that comes after eating a pint of ice cream after a long day. I’ll look in the mirror and only think, “wow, and you just threw away all that effort you put into your practice today.” In consequence, I go to bed feeling worse than after I came home.
With the help of the I Kicked Sugar Course, I’ve realized that my mental health from negative self-talk is only being worsened by eating sugary foods. By choosing to not partake in eating sugar, Joyce has given me the tools to break out of my endless cycle of negativity to promote my mental health." - Haley Smith

Haley Smith

Nicole Benedetti
"I would definitely recommend the I Kicked Sugar Course for anyone who has a sugar addiction! It is SO helpful for the mind, body, and soul! I Kicked Sugar addresses all components in the modules! If you are ready to give up sugar, this is the course to help guide you on your journey! I am 48 days sugar-free and I couldn't feel happier with my decision!" - Nicole Benedetti
"Nobody is more passionate and alive than the messenger of I Kicked Sugar! Joyce is incredible and what she has produced and presented to the world is enough to make millions of people well within a month, if the entire world adopted her approach today. I fancy myself a nutrition guru and I must say that I Kicked Sugar is an INCREDIBLE course. I love what it has and I recommend it to my clients. THANK YOU Joyce for putting together something that has been needed in the health world. You're incredible and I appreciate how much people benefit from the work that you do. If you're reading this and are considering what move you need to make, just stop and go get the course. It'll change your life." - Dr. Peter Raisanen, NMD and Founder of LifeDoc

Dr. Peter Raisanen, NMD

Emily Sadler
“I have struggled with food issues for a very long time. Moderation and I - we don’t even know each other! I gave up sugar for Lent and have managed to hold to it. But this is what history has shown me… I do really well for a specific amount of time and then all of a sudden I start thinking that a blueberry muffin from Starbucks isn’t really sugar… or that the syrup on my pancakes doesn’t count .... or that because there is no dairy in gelato that it is good for me. Once I ingest sugar it starts the crazy cycle of a sugar addiction... eat sugar, feel better for a little while, then feel horrible, have guilt and shame over eating it and then eat it again to make myself feel better…it sucks!
Joyce has written an absolutely brilliant program to help with sugar addiction. I know for a fact that I am not the only one suffering from this. I am ready to do the work to be able to kick sugar out of my life for good! Who’s with me?!” – Emily Sadler
“If you are ready to make some real changes to your diet and lifestyle to improve your overall health, Joyce’s I Kicked Sugar Course is a great place to start! Joyce’s personal experiences with sugar addiction and recovery, coupled with the knowledge she has gained over years studying nutrition and lifestyle science bring this course to life in a soulful, approachable way. Each module provides on point education, helpful tips, resources, easy to follow task lists and a whole lot of emotional support to kick sugar to the curb! As a practicing National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach I endorse this Course wholeheartedly, and congratulate Joyce for sharing her passion to help others overcome their sugar addiction with empathy, education and empowerment!”
-Toby Benton, NBC-HWC and Founder Of Scottsdale Health Coaching

Toby Benton, NBC-HWC

Jeanne Dorismond
"On July 8th, 2019, I weighed 346 lbs and was suicidal. For decades I have used my excess weight as armor against pain and abuse. Today, 6 months later, I've lost 100.2 lbs, and I am half-way to my goal. I have worked hard (and continue to do so) to change my attitudes, my behavior and my lifestyle (this is not a "diet" but a change in every aspect of my approach to self-care and good health)...The I Kicked Sugar Course started the ball rolling for me, and now there is no going back. Joyce's Course makes a point to surround yourself with community and support... Thank you, Joyce, for this great new way to approach life. I have more good health, my cellulitis has all but disappeared, my asthma HAS disappeared, I am taking walks several times per day every day, and have found the strength and courage to move forward from the pains and stress and trauma of the past. The I Kicked Sugar Course is excellent for anyone who is ready to make the commitment to a healthier and happier lifestyle."
- Jeanne G. Pocius Dorismond
“What Joyce has created is helping me go to the next level. When I started in 2013 I was over 300#... I wish I had the I Kicked Sugar Course back then...She has been a huge inspiration for me, whether she knew it or not. She has set up a great way to address all the issues I had and am encountering on new levels. Really it is great for anyone, in any part of their getting healthy journey... Joyce has broken it down perfectly. Like she say’s ...it is a lot of mental and emotional. Hard to properly relay that, but she has done a wonderful job! ❤❤❤... I have fought my weight and unhealthy coping mechanisms from age 7 on...Awesome course, created by an awesome lady who understands what it is to struggle with food. While I have become quite conscious of sugars and such over last couple years, I have no doubt Joyce's course will help me hit the next level...Thank you Joyce, for being an inspiration and thank you for putting into words and a system what I could not.” – Marsha Dale Owen

Marsha Dale Owen

“The course is awesome and has a lot of information. I am doing the course and completing the tasks Joyce assigns. OMG Module 1 and 2 opened my eyes. Just in what I drink I’m well over 80 grams of sugar. O.K. I admit I’m addicted. I learned a lot by being aware of what I’m putting in my body. I’m in shock. I realize I’m an emotional eater and a quick convenient eater. Joyce is such an inspiration to me. Knowing that I too can overcome my health, and the self sabotage etc. So thank you for the course” - Cheryl Knight
Cheryl Knight
“Sugar really is the culprit to all diseases and so many bad things. Knowledge is power. Thank you Joyce. I’m excited to add this to my plethora of books in health and nutrition, and share with my clients.” ❤ - Christina Joos-Ivanhoe

Christina Joos-Ivanhoe

Amy Friend Pane
"I was captivated by Joyce's story of sugar addiction which sounded so very similar to my own... I have experienced depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and an obsession with junk food. I thought food was my only escape and my only sense of comfort. It was a deep dark hole that began in my childhood. I was a competitive gymnast and felt like I was never skinny enough and never good enough. There, I said it. I… WAS… NOT… GOOD… ENOUGH. I was extremely shy and would avoid social situations. Hiding out, away from people, and binging on M&M’s, cookies, orange sherbet and pralines and cream ice cream was my way to cope with life. While no one would have ever seen me as overweight, it was the way I saw myself. I had self-talk constantly going on in my head that was particularly damaging to my conscious self. The cravings were relentless.
If you think you’re ready to kick sugar...I would highly recommend reading this course... Joyce is practically giving away a program packed full of valuable information for such a nominal price. The I Kicked Sugar course does a beautiful job of educating and empowering anyone who is ready to make that decision...The I Kicked Sugar course is brilliantly written, easy to read and understand, with just the right amount of humor to keep you smiling and wanting to read more. It offers support and community for those who want to take advantage of it. It was just last year that I earned my Certificate in Nutrition for Fitness and Wellness from the Maricopa Community Colleges, and I can say, with all that knowledge, that Joyce does an excellent job at communicating the facts and the research, not to mention her own experience and wisdom in living the life of addiction and finding freedom and happiness! "
-Amy Friend Pane
"Joyce's course is a wake-up call about the dangerous relationship that we have with sugar. Her course provides essential information about how sugar affects our body and brain, and she outlines critical steps that each of us can take to break our addiction to sugar. If you're looking for an easy to read guide that will help you cut out sugar, this is the course.
In creating this wonderful course, Joyce keeps in mind just how short our attention span is and how we want to know as quickly as possible what is the easiest, fastest path to make change. The I Kicked Sugar Course offers this. Beautifully laid out, Joyce takes you on a journey step-by-step to kick sugar. Easy to read with engaging photography and informational links for additional resources. Joyce provides you with the latest information and research, easily explaining the physical and psychological effects sugar has on our bodies and brains.
Her 10 module course is designed for you to do over 21 days during which time she informs you of the dangers sugar, fructose in particular, and she shares with you how to remove and kick this substance out of your life for good. I believe if you read her course, follow her path, DO THE WORK, you too can and will Kick sugar (and will feel so much better as a result)." -Dr.Tracey Laszloffy, Ph.D., LMFT

Dr.Tracey, Ph.D., LMFT

"Joyce addresses one of the biggest dangers to our health - sugar, and provides an achievable guide on how to eliminate sugar and its negative impact on your life. The Course is authentic as well as instructive. Joyce makes it clear that the course is not a diet. It is a commitment to being mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. She lovingly shares her own journey to get to this healthy place and how each day is a choice to stay healthy. From the very beginning, Joyce sets you up for success. If you struggle with sugar or know someone who does, take the course. It's life changing." - Keith Jones
Keith Jones
ToBeRe Founder
"Joyce does an AMAZING job of breaking down the impact that sugar has on all of us. Her easy to understand course really helped me to comprehend the way that sugar impacts me both on a physical and mental level. This is a MUST read....especially for parents! Help your kids learn the right choices for brain health! It is CRAZY to see the ways that sugar is hidden in so many of the foods that we eat. Thank you Joyce for your authenticity and candor in sharing your brave story with us!!!" -Tina Prutting

Tina Prutting

" I wasn't always
this healthy and happy"
Creator of The
I Kicked Sugar Course
"I’ve struggled most of my life with physical and mental health issues such as high blood pressure, fatty liver, stomach issues, depression and anxiety. It was all due to my food choices and the main culprit was sugar."
I've been overweight many times in my life, although most of the time you never would have known. I was really good at hiding my fat with the clothes I wore. I gained 67 pounds during my pregnancy and weighed 186 pounds. Can't blame that on my son, he weighed 4 pounds 6 ounces. That weight came from eating a pint of ice cream and roll of cookie dough practically every night, which led to me having preeclampsia (high blood pressure).
I allowed sugar to take control of my life and my health. Even when it appeared to many people that I had optimal health, I was anything but healthy. Even in the picture on the right where I look healthy, I was suffering from stomach issues, manic depression and anxiety. My drug of choice was sugar.
I struggled daily with my sugar addiction. I would practically starve myself during the day to then excessively indulge (binge) myself with sugar at night or on a “cheat day.” By the way, any diet that has the word cheat in it should be a red flag that it’s not healthy. You don’t have to cheat if you’re eating healthy and you won’t have to cheat or want to with the I Kicked Sugar course. It’s NOT a diet.

body and mind
I suffered with depression and anxiety most of my adult life, from my teenage years until six years ago when I kicked sugar. Bouts of depression would hit me, leaving me feeling hopeless and out of control.
When I looked at my life, I felt I had no reason to feel this way. I have a great husband, son and family, and I have no serious stresses in my life. So why did I have such a lack of interest in life, low self-esteem, fatigue, anxiety and feel such sadness most of the time?
I had been to countless therapists, doctors, and even a psychiatrist. Each time I was told I have depression and anxiety. But this was just a label doctors group these symptoms into so they can treat it with medication.
I followed their advice and tried five different medications. I prayed for relief, but it never came and the side effects were horrible. Not one medical professional asked me about my diet or suggest I stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates.
For some people drugs and or psychotherapy are needed. For me, diet was the culprit behind my massive mood swings, depression and anxiety.
After Kicking Sugar

If you’re like I was, you’ve cut back on your sugar intake at different points in your life, trying to kick it, but sooner or later you found yourself right back in your old patterns.
I want to help you with that. You too can finally kick sugar from your life for good. That’s why I created the I Kicked Sugar Course. In this self-paced 10 module course, you’ll understand the science and psychology of why we eat sugar, the emotions and circumstances that keep us eating, and finally the way out. These revelations have changed my life and they’ll change yours too.